It's that
Key Benefits:
� Very EASY and user friendly
� No set-up fees
� Cancel at any time
� Completely Web-based
� No software/downloads required
� No need for third party host, email, or design providers
Key Features:
� Unlimited access to our professional template gallery
� 10 E-Mail Addresses
� Access your E-mail via WebBuzz webmail utility from anywhere
� Unlimited updating of your site with WebBuzz's website management tools
� Use WebBuzz's real time traffic reporting to view your site's visitors and history
� Direct your visitors to your own domain name (for example,
� Send E-Newsletters, manage your customers using WebBuzz's web marketing tools
� Incorporate your own images for a custom look and feel
� Create a variety of different pages such as downloads, news, FAQs, contact, gallery, photo album, and products